Train Hard. Sweat Hard.
Becoming Your Greatest Version

Workout Facility

Our Methods

Ab City
Getting visible abs is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to training your core. There are almost countless benefits of having a fortified mid-section that are applicable to almost everyone
Leg Day
No one really looks forward to leg day. Of course, there are some exceptions – bloody show offs – but for the majority, it’s a necessary evil.
Get in, do your squats (but don’t rush, never rush your reps) and get out. Well, hobble out, slowly, grimacing in discomfort.
More importantly boxing takes you further than you ever thought possible. Boxing makes you more alive than ever, more humble in defeat, and most glorious in victory. Boxing reveals the true fighter deep inside every single one of us.
HIIT workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition as well as improved glucose metabolism. Compared with longer sessions typical of other regimens, HIIT may not be as effective for treating hyperlipidemia and obesity, or improving muscle and bone mass.
Contact Us
3254 Wrightsboro Rd
Augusta, GA 30909
Tel: 706.814.6248
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 5AM to 7PM
Sat: 9AM to 12PM
Bootcamp Classes:
Mon-Thurs: 5AM, 5PM, 6PM
Hip-Hop Step Aerobics:
Mon: 7PM